Located at 133 Stirling Terrace, at Toodyay Wellness Centre we combine western and natural medicine treatments into a holistic practice, offering a comprehensive approach to your health.
We also have a reflexologist and massage therapist on site.
Empowering people and communities to find wholeness through health and wellbeing.
Toodyay Wellness Centre is focused on providing pathways to wellness for the upliftment of the whole person. We combine western and natural medicine, offering a comprehensive approach to health. Clients may combine modalities in a compassionate environment with transparency.
Our Point of Difference:
Toodyay Wellness Centre is working to change the paradigm of health care. The patient is at the center of our model as our focus is on them and their path to wellness. We offer the highest quality of all the modalities we can working together in equanimity. Education for the client, community, and students allows growth and expansion. Compassion and hope to us are paramount to healing. We live by our values and ethics, striving to be leaders in our field.
- Jennifer Cornell, M.D., FRACGP, FRNZCGP